S7 segment display with micro c, using a PIC16F84A
This tutorial is to help us on how to design, build, and code in micro c, how to display numbers on a 7 segment display connected to a PIC16F84A microcontroller. Firstly, you will design the schematic below on proteus software and save it.You need to watch the video above in order to understand how this circuit works.
In this project, you will need
- a PIC16F84A microcontroller.
- two capacitors and a crystal oscillator: used to produce an input clock frequency into the microcontroller
- A 7 segment display (common cathode).
a push-button and a 10K ohm resistor: it resets the microcontroller in case
of any failure
You wil need the micro c ide. You can freely download at microelectronica.com
Click on the link below to download
Source code
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